Couples entering a marriage may not always understand the benefits of prenuptial agreements as much as they think they do because prenuptial agreements have many important benefits beyond simply protecting the wealth of one of the spouses. Because many misconceptions...
Marital Agreements
Can New Jersey marital agreements be unenforceable?
New Jersey couples who decide to sign a premarital agreement might do so for a variety of reasons. Both sides might have property they want to protect in case the marriage does not work out. One side could have a business or other assets that he or she does not want...
Young people driving an increase in prenuptial agreements
Preparing for the worst is becoming more popular among younger married couples. Surveyed attorneys have reported a recent increase in prenuptial agreements.This upsurge was driven by Millennials who have specific reasons for entering into these marital agreements....
Prenups may make business sense
A prenuptial agreement is a contingency plan that couples may not want to use but which can prove invaluable by protecting their individual assets if they ever divorce. These marital agreements may also provide significant protections if either spouse owns a...
The benefits of marital agreements
The average age of people getting married in New Jersey has risen, compared to previous generations. There are at least a couple reasons why. Many people are waiting longer in life to get married, compared to previous generations. Others have been married before and...
Legal assistance for those in need of marital agreements
A marital agreement is an important legal document for individuals who wish to protect their assets and make financially sound decisions about their wealth. In New Jersey, individuals can enter into marital agreements before their weddings, but they can also create...
Certain matters cannot be resolved through marital agreements
A martial agreement is a powerful tool. It can help New Jersey residents work out particular financial and property-based matters that may affect their rights during their marriages. As many people know, marital agreements can also help individuals settle their...
Who may benefit from a premarital agreement?
Premarital agreements, also called prenuptial agreements, are not romantic. In fact, they are contracts that are put into place to help resolve future conflicts between individuals who have not even formalized their relationships in marriage. However, there are many...
Couples may wish to consider postnuptial agreements
A premarital agreement, sometimes called a prenuptial agreement or a prenup, is a contract that two individuals can make before they get married. In their contract, the parties can stipulate how they will handle some of the financial or property-based decisions they...
What can cause a premarital agreement to be invalidated?
Prenuptial agreements are written contracts that individuals may execute before getting married. In such an agreement a New Jersey couple may decide if and how they will manage their money and property during their marriage, and they also may decide how they will...