Are you concerned about your financial stability post-divorce? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, most people are worried about how they are going to maintain their standard of living during as they start the next chapter of their life post-divorce. This may be...
Month: March 2020
Child custody and a father’s importance
Fathers are often overlooked in our society. It’s sad, but true. Legally speaking, mothers are essentially automatically granted custody of a child unless that child is the product of a marriage. It is up to a father of an out-of-wedlock child to establish paternity...
What is a divorce from bed and board?
While the term divorce from bed and board may seem like it is a relic from past times, it’s actually the term New Jersey law uses to describe what many people might think of as a legal separation. New Jersey does not recognize legal separation, but it does allow those...
A history of domestic violence can affect custody
Victims of domestic violence often fear leaving their spouses or significant others in part because of their children. Aside from having to figure out how to support themselves financially after a split, they may be concerned that the abusive partner is going to have...
Issues involved with dividing up a pension in a divorce
While they are certainly less common than they used to be, many New Jersey residents may still receive a pension as one of their employment benefits. For example, many public employees, including teachers, firefighters and police officers, receive pensions. Retired...