Divorce is never easy, but sometimes it might be the best path forward. If you are considering ending your marriage, you might wonder about no-fault divorce. This option could simplify the process and reduce conflict. What is a no-fault divorce? With a no-fault...
How owning a business can lead to unfair divorce demands
As spouses prepare for divorce, they have to negotiate the division of their property and their financial obligations. That process can be particularly contentious when the family has enjoyed a comfortable standard of living. Those with high-value marital estates can...
Has your marriage irretrievably broken down?
When facing marital difficulties, you might hear the term "irretrievable breakdown." But what does this really mean, and how does it affect your options for ending a marriage? Understanding this concept and its implications for annulment and divorce is crucial....
Understanding permanent alimony
Alimony could be a complex and contentious issue during divorce. Permanent alimony is a form of spousal support that continues indefinitely after finalizing the divorce. If you are going through a divorce, understanding the concept of permanent alimony is essential....
3 tactics for preserving retirement savings during divorce
People who have made the difficult decision to divorce often start thinking about the future before they finish the process. They want to picture a happier life after the end of an unsatisfying or unhealthy marriage. Frequently, people have a hard time visualizing the...
How is debt divided during divorce in New Jersey?
One of the biggest possible points of contention you may face when going through a divorce is asset division. It’s natural for both you and your spouse to want to know who gets what. But what about your debts? A fair and equitable division Like your marital assets,...
Who gets the family home in a gray divorce?
Gray divorce is a term for divorce that occurs later in life. This process can be challenging for elderly couples who have spent many years creating a life together, especially when deciding who gets the family home. In New Jersey, as in many states, the court...
Facing a difficult ex? Here are your legal options.
Divorce settlement agreements are meant to bring finality and closure, but this is not always true. Sometimes, one party might refuse to comply with the terms, making the process's aftermath more challenging. New Jersey courts take violations of divorce agreements...
Understanding alimony: Your guide to spousal support
Alimony is crucial in divorce proceedings. If you are going through a divorce, it is essential to understand how alimony works. You must also know its potential impact on your financial future. What is alimony? Alimony refers to the financial support one spouse...
What you need to know about fault-based and no-fault divorces in New Jersey
New Jersey allows married couples to file no-fault divorces like every other state, but it is not considered as a pure no-fault state. This means you can file a fault divorce if you wish. However, only a few spouses choose this option as it makes the process longer...