Domestic violence represents a serious and dangerous situation in the family home. Spouses who suffer from physical and mental abuse may file for divorce to protect themselves and their children. New Jersey divorce proceedings could become complicated when the...
Domestic Violence
How domestic abuse claims can impact divorce
During the divorce process in New Jersey, it's possible that one party could accuse the other of domestic abuse. These accusations could have a significant impact on the outcome of the divorce process as well as any proceedings involving child custody or visitation...
Why people engage in domestic violence
Domestic abuse can take many forms such as hitting a partner or controlling that person's money. It may be grounds for a New Jersey judge to issue a restraining order or take other steps to protect a victim. There are several common reasons why an individual may harm...
Divorce as an option in an abusive marriage
If you're in a marriage with an abusive spouse in New Jersey, you might be afraid to leave. Men and women both can be involved in relationships of this nature with the consequences of not obtaining a divorce outweighing the reasons why someone should stay. These...
Identifying domestic violence
Every day, domestic abuse affects millions of people in New Jersey and across the country. There are warning signs that can help you identify whether someone you love is facing abuse. What domestic abuse looks like Domestic violence can take many forms. It is common...
Financial abuse and domestic violence
Many people in New Jersey that are victims of domestic violence feel like they are trapped in their situations. One of the main reasons this happens is because of the financial control that abusers leverage over their victims. Financial abuse may not be talked about...
What are a few signs that you’re in an abusive relationship?
Realizing you’re in an abusive relationship can be shattering. If you have denied it, you’re not alone. Many victims of domestic abuse deny the state of their relationships. In New Jersey, you can take the first step toward getting help by acknowledging the abuse....
Domestic violence victims could forgo NJ divorce mediation
If you are getting a divorce in New Jersey and have been a domestic violence victim, you have options for resolving the situation. You can choose how to divide your debt and assets as well as parenting time and child custody. A judge can also determine these issues...
Domestic violence and visitation rights
Sometimes, the legal system in New Jersey needs to deal with very complex issues related to family. For example, there are cases when a parent has a history of domestic violence against a former partner. In those cases, should the parent have visitation rights to the...
How does domestic violence affect child custody?
If you have evidence that your estranged spouse committed domestic violence against you or your children, New Jersey takes it into consideration when coming to a decision on child custody. In addition to assault, domestic violence includes harassment, stalking,...