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What is post-separation abuse?

On Behalf of | Dec 23, 2022 | Domestic Violence |

Domestic violence can threaten the lives of New Jersey residents, but help is available. If you are in this situation and have separated from your abuser, they might try to contact or see you even if you have a protective order. These are some common post-separation abuse tactics.

Post-separation abuse explained

Post-separation abuse can be perpetrated in many ways; physically, verbally and in other means to control the victim. It also affects those around that person, including children and other family members or roommates. Even though the victim has taken steps to end the relationship with the abuser, domestic violence often doesn’t immediately stop. Instead, it occurs in new ways.

Post-separation abuse tactics

The abuser often tries to alienate the victim by spreading lies about them to family members and friends. This tactic seeks to get those close to the individual against them and ruin their reputation. Sometimes, the abuser will also paint a picture that makes it seem like they’re the one being abused.

Harassment and stalking are common after a domestic violence separation. The abuser will call, text and show up at the person’s home, workplace and other areas they frequent to instill fear. These abuses also often occur on social media as the abuser stalks and monitor the victim’s social media pages.

If the parties have children together, the abuser may use counter-parenting techniques to undermine the victim’s decisions. They might even take things further and do something to harm the children such as withholding medical care. The abuser sometimes manipulates others into believing that the victim has mistreated the kids.

Financial abuse often occurs post-separation. The abuser may block access to accounts, withhold support payments or even put the victim’s job in jeopardy.

Domestic abusers strive for control. When the victim takes action against them, it often results in these situations.

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