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A Common Sense Approach To

The benefits of a prenuptial agreement are for everyone

On Behalf of | Jun 12, 2020 | Marital Agreements |

Couples entering a marriage may not always understand the benefits of prenuptial agreements as much as they think they do because prenuptial agreements have many important benefits beyond simply protecting the wealth of one of the spouses. Because many misconceptions about prenuptial agreements are out there, it is worth it for couples contemplating marriage to ensure they understand the value of a prenuptial agreement.

The benefits of a prenuptial agreement are many. To begin with, a prenuptial agreement can protect the separate property assets of the future spouses entering the marriage. In addition, a prenuptial agreement can provide protection from debts and serve to protect the couple in the event of death. A prenuptial agreement can also clarify financial rights and responsibilities during the marriage and provide a framework to resolve issues that come up in the future. It can also save time, cost and acrimony if the couple decides to divorce.

A prenuptial agreement can help divorcing couples avoid costly, and lengthy, disputes in the event they decide to divorce. Without a prenuptial agreement, state property division laws will control property division if the couple divorces at some point which can create disputes during the divorce process a prenuptial agreement would help to resolve or prevent. There are important requirements for a prenuptial agreement to be valid so couples entering a marriage should ensure their agreement meets all those requirements.

The family law process provides important tools for couples entering a marriage which is why it is helpful to be familiar with what prenuptial agreements can do. Prenuptial agreements can provide important protections for the couple to consider and ensure they understand prior to their marriage.

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